Ok….so I measured (click here for part 1)….so overall? I’m 5 inches smaller, not a lot, not bad over 16 years though, 2 children, etc, etc…
I am however, also 15% less bodyfat, I gained an inch on each bicep (not like Briggs though), my knees also got skinnier. Result! At least I no longer have fat knees! Hamstrings though? I still hold something there to be worked on!
The reason for this post? Getting older and having children doesn’t mean you have to be unfit. It’s all about balancing your family, work, healthy eating. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym, even 20 minutes 3 times a week is a start – and get that strength training in!
I’m fitter now than I was 2 years ago (thanks to Crossfit at Priority 6), when I was running a half marathon for fun – my knees were screaming at me, my back and pelvis constantly out of alignment – some people (including me!) are not made for running. Now? I lift heavy, I do high intensity short workouts,(never more than 40 minutes – and that’s a long one!) and do lots of intensive core work – the same as I teach my Core Restore clients.
Make time for yourself. A 20 minute bodyweight circuit you can do at home is a start! Get a workout timer on your phone, set it to 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest to start with, 8 rounds – try a combination of these exercises at home – it will take you 8 minutes. 8 MINUTES!!! THAT IS ALL!!!
- Squats to a chair or lower if you are comfortable doing this (depending on your current level of fitness)
- Press ups on the floor – knees down if you need it, lower yourself all the way to the floor, press your chest back up, lift your knees up into a plank position
- Tricep dips on a chair
- Alternate leg lunges
Take some supplements! Firstly – make sure you are taking a good quality Omega 3 supplement, I use Alimenent Nutrition for mine, also a super greens drink, such as Priority Greens
Let me know how you get on! Look out for more workouts that you can do at home….