Healing a Diastasis Recti is a WHOLE BODY ISSUE, it’s not just about exercise, it’s not just about the woman’s belly and it’s not just about the gap! A deep assessment is required to start with then a programme that focusses on nutrition for healing, the woman’s breathing strategy and postural alignment, all need to be considered BEFORE we apply exercise and load. Your Coach has GOT THIS NAILED! And our programme has been tried and tested by hundreds of women and received rave reviews. Improve your belly, rid yourself of backpain, reconnect to your Pelvic Floor so that you both FEEL and FUNCTION better.
Most women have never been TOLD
- why this happens and what are the mechanics of Diastasis and
- why tradition abdominal work they performed before their pregnancy won’t work now in this healing phase.
- the HUGE role that optimal nutrition and hydration play in their this healing phase.
- the link between the abdominal wall, Pelvic Floor, Diastasis and how they breathe!
Most women have never been provided with
- a BESPOKE (made just for them) restorative programme that takes them from the early days of healing right back to fully restored.
- a programme that gives them the tools to protect their healing core (Abdominals and Pelvic Floor) while they get on with the demands of life and motherhood.
Knowing the Why’s and What’s matter A LOT!
This programme will help you connect the dots between your breathing, posture and possible backpain and Pelvic Floor dysfunction.
Every programme is based on a 1-2-1 consultation followed by prescription for what is best for that client.
The programme starts by getting the basics of posture and alignment improved, including soft-tissue work/remedial massage (via referral) and to bring balance to your entire body.
It’s a multi-phase programme where the exercises are progressed towards your goal. Your route to success is adjusted as required. This programme is NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL!
You’re provided with all the exercise kit you need plus our UNIQUE Client Education Booklet to help you really understand the process and the facts about Diastasis Recti. The programme has a strong focus on HEALING NUTRITION TOO! 100% .
We heal from the INSIDE OUT! We have simple, but highly effective strategies for helping you get the specific nutrients required to heal your Diastasis into your diet easily and without fuss.
We employ ‘CAN DO’ strategies for helping you REST and DE-STRESS. The high cortisol levels associated with the Post Natal period also retard healing and cause you to hold fat around your middle. This programme helps you to help yourself to not only a better looking belly but one that FUNCTIONS and supports your Pelvic, Core and overall health.
Message me here to find out more information