Well…1999 to be exact, the year we were supposed to party, I was your average 20 something year old, gym member with a cloned programme, slave to my desk and cardio hater. To get my mum moving too, we joined the toning tables area of my gym. Yes. Tables that tone I hear you say? Indeed… Apparently by laying on a moving couch, you lose inches. What could be easier? Brilliant for my mum, in terms of getting joints moving…but inch loss…purrrllleeeease! At around 30% body fat, surely I needed (small!) miracle?
Anyway, the actual blast from the past was a slip of paper that had all my measurements written on. Which I’d updated. In 1999 several times. 3″ lost! Whoopie! That would be water retention then, or time of the month. Then in 2000 & 2003. So I thought, what the heck, let’s measure in 2015. I’m now a 40 something mum of 2 mischief makers, wife, crossfitter, personal trainer and women’s holistic core restore coach.
Best get me a tape measure then….!