What Does It Mean When You Have A Gap in Your Abs aka A ‘Distension’ or ‘Diastasis’?
A fabulous insight into what could be causing your post birth mummy tummy, courtesy of © Burrell Education 2012
- The stretching of your midline tissues (Diastasis/Distension) is totally normal during and Pregnancy and its return to your pre-pregnancy tension and position is unique to every woman. In general, the tissue regains tension and the two bellies of the Rectus Abdominis (Six-Pack muscles) regain their proximity.
- If your midline is weak and your abdominals are separated (you can get your fingers into the gap between the two lengths of muscle) and the tissue feels slack and papery you must take care to avoid as many situations as possible where extra pressure can develop and further. Pressure against these weakened tissues will have a detrimental effect on the healing and closure of this separation. Traditional abdominal exercises (sit-ups) are not appropriate.
- Get advice and a restorative programme from a practitioner who specializes in restoring the core with a Diastasis/Distension.
- Use the ‘Good Abdominal Care Practices’ when getting up and getting down from the ground and out of bed.
- Have faith that you can be helped. Your condition can improve and abdominals can be restored back to good strength, function and can look great again!
We have worked with many post natal and never too late natal ladies with a diastasis, check out our Facebook page for photos of great work that our ladies have done!
![Diastasis client, week 1, week 3 & week 9](https://personal-balance.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2014-11-17-11.28.43-300x300.jpg)
![Week 1, week 3 & week 10](https://personal-balance.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2014-07-10-10.12.36-300x300.jpg)
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