Having a husband who pops to Waitrose on a Saturday morning post gym, is great! He grabs his coffee, a 3 for £10 meat deal and presents them to me. We have 3 chickens! Yay!
…. Now… What to do differently with 3 whole chickens, in a family where dds latest whinge is… “… But we always have chicken..!” and do proclaims… “I hate chicken!”
So… One roasted for a Saturday roast with lots of green veg, one slow cooker with leftover chicken stock, on a bed of cherry tomatoes ND peppers, topped with Cajun spices….. The third?
Well I’ve left it til tonight for this delight…. Out comes the slow cooker again… I’m sooo in love with my slow cooker at the moment…. It’s just a tad small (Xmas list..? ?). So, I squish and squash my whole chicken in. This time remembering to cut off the parsons nose. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil and then rub in turmeric (2 tsp) , cumin seeds (1 tsp) & hot chilli powder (1/2 tsp), add in about 75 ml of water, a handful of raisins and whole almonds. Pop the lid on and set to auto. Breathe…..
Go to the chiropractor (bliss, but thought he’d pulled my actual arm off!), pop to Waitrose for a coffee and pick up pizza & gluten free pizza as visiting friends, pick up kids from school, go to friends, get kids faces painted, feed kids pizza, go swimming, come home, feed kids post swim pudding. Phew!
Open my new found love and inhale the deliciousness of my creation. Prod it. Decide it’s cooked. Yay! Attempt 3-4 photos, before the one above….. Now…. To wait til kids are in bed and devour…. Serve with leafy greens or broccoli…. Breathe and relax….